Monday, June 12, 2006

10 Months Old!

10 months old already....Where does time go?? Rayden is such a busy little girl all the time. She crawls everywhere and pulls herself up on everything to walk herself around everywhere. Lately we have noticed that she is getting braver and trying to let go so she can stand on her own.....She will be off and walking before we know it! She has been trying to form words and her first one was "num num" which she says whenever she eats something she likes or wants a snack. She loves to hum to music and dance whenever music comes on. Her favorite thing to do lately is play peek-a-boo with everyone...So cute! Rayden weighs over 20 pounds now and is a short little thing at 27 inches!! Such a happy little girl!!

1 comment:

Dennis, Rose and our Clan said...

I so hope we get to see you all when we are out there in July! I just have to have me some kisses from Rayden!! Those cheeks are calling my name!