Thursday, September 27, 2007

A Fun Visit

Last weekend we headed over to Grants Pass because Grandpa Larry and Grandma Becky were in town. Rayden, Rayna and Grandma made cookies together and they had so much fun, and fun eating them too! Rayna and Rayden of course had a blast playing together like they always do. Grandpa and Grandma also brought birthday presents for Rayden and she got a new Mickey movie, some neat bath stuff, an adorable new coat and a pretend tool set. Rayden loves all of her new stuff.........especially the movie and the tools! What a great visit we had and we can't wait to see them again. Thanks for everything!!!

1 comment:

Dennis, Rose and our Clan said...

Mandie why oh why do I never see a belly picture?! I want to see that boy you got in there!