Tuesday, October 24, 2006

Funny Faces

As you will see in the pictures to follow, and the ones here, Rayden has been extremely silly lately. Here are a few of her funny faces that she throws at us often! :)

Pillow Fun

Rayden LOVES to play with pillows!! She will throw them around and then dive on them. She has the greatest time!!!! Who ever knew a pillow could be so much fun?

Rayden's Little Purse

Rayden found one of mommies old coin purses and carries it around everywhere with her. She puts her binkie and her cell phone it it too!

Miss Jabberbox

Here is Rayden "talking" on her cell phone. Anytime she finds a phone she will put it up to her ear and start jabbering and laughing into it. It is pretty funny and cute!

Goofy Goofy Girl

Here are just a couple of cute pictures when Rayden is in one of her goofy moods....which has been everyday lately!

She Crawling!!!?????

For the past few nights Rayden has gotten quite silly! Lately she has been crawling around and laughing. She just thinks this is hilarious!!

Sunday, October 08, 2006

"The Farm"

This weekend we took Rayden to "The Farm." They have a pumpkin patch, a petting zoo, hay rides, a maze and tons of other neat stuff. Rayden went there to pick out her pumpkin for Halloween. She wanted the big green one and kept going over to it. She ended up with the smaller orange one. We kept giving it to her and we thought it was too heavy for her because she would drop it. We soon realized that she was trying to throw it because she thought it was a ball!!!! Too cute. She had a ton a fun!

Fun Goats

Rayden had SO SO much fun at the petting zoo this weekend. She was running all over the place pointing at all the animals and calling them dogs. It was DOG DOG DOG DOG all morning!! If you notice is most of the pictures she is pointing! These are the pictures of her with some of the goats there. She liked them the best, I think because they would walk right up to her to be petted and they were fun to chase too!


There were a couple of deer at the petting zoo. They kept trying to eat our clothes and one of them tried to get a hold of Rayden's ponytail!

Other Animals

Here is Rayden with the Wallabe. He was too fast for her though and would hop away when she got near him.
Rayden actually got close enough to the chickens to pet them really fast before they got away from her.
Rayden was not that interested in the pigs. I guess because they were lazy and not trying to run away from her, they were not much fun.

And this is Rayden petting a duck. This is the only animal that she called by it's actual name.

Pony Ride

Rayden went on a Pony ride while she was there. The pony's name was Dolly. At first she started to cry, but once the ponies started going she liked it. After a couple times around she even let go of mommy's hand!

Farm Girl

At "The Farm" they had little mini tractors that the kids could play on. Rayden LOVED them and did not want to leave. She could have played on those all day long!


Here is Rayden looking at the bunnies. She could not pet them because they scratch but she did get to put her fingers in there and one came up and nibbled on her finger.

Party Girl

Rayden went to a birthday party for her friend Bella this weekend. She had a great time playing with everyone and playing with all of Bella's new toys!

Monday, October 02, 2006

Little Dipper

One of Rayden's new things is dipping! She just loves to dip her food in ketchup, although she does double and triple dip!!

Sleeping Bag Tester

Daddy got a new sleeping bag for his hunting trip and Rayden and him had to test it out! Rayden had a great time diving all over it, laying on it and snuggling inside of it with Daddy. I think it passed the test!


Rayden loves to do somersaults! She will put her head to the ground with her butt up in the air and wait for someone to come flip her over!! She will want to do somersaults at such random times and random places! Sometimes she will be somewhere where you can't even flip her over. She is a very silly girl!

Upside down

Here is Rayden after her somersault! Cute upside down pictures!